manga recs!

the big list of manga i enjoy! probably gonna be like 80% yuri series but there will be other stuff for sure

A Monster Wants To Eat Me - Sai Naekawa

a series about a very lonely, very depressed girl named Hinako who catches the attention of a mermaid named Shiori, who would very much like to eat her (munch crunch not sexy times). unfortunately for her, being a depressed loner makes people taste bad, so she sets about trying to bring happiness to Hinako's life. Hinako is pretty ambivalent on finding happiness, but spotting a way to die without having to work up to suicide, she goes along with it. none of this sits very well with Hinako's only friend, Miko, who is incredibly protective and does not trust Shiori suddenly following Hinako around, but Miko herself has many secrets she'd rather not be revealed. this series has a special place in my heart, which probably shouldn't be surprising, weird depressed lesbian enjoys story about weird depressed lesbian, news at 5. it really does nail the feeling of being chronically depressed and suicidal tho, and i really struggle to not see myself in Hinako. the art is also absolutely gorgeous, easily worth reading just for that imo, i still have a bunch of panels saved from when i was reading the scans. speaking of which, i found out like 10 minutes ago that this got licensed by yen and will be launching in june, so def go check it out then!